An overwhelming eathy sensation that takes your breath away
After the beans are harvested, they are left in a semi-sealed condition. Then, their moisture content is controlled
by leaving them under semi-dry conditions.
The Sumatra method can produce a unique flavor with a strong aroma.
On the otherhand, it is known for its difficalty to manage and keep the uniformity.
The Northern Sumatra Island, of Aceh has overcome these problems, making it known as high-quality cup origin.
These beans have a stong, sweet flavor like bitter chocolate, with acidity and full body reminiscent of dark cherries.
It is recognized as HIRO CERT which considers human rights and the environment.
■Flavor characteristics
Flavor:Floral, Brown sugar, Chocolate, Earthy, Herb, Citrus
Aftertaste:Dark chocolate, Long aftertaste
Body:Round, Silky
■Roast level:Medium dark roast
【Region】Patan Musara, Aceh
【Farm name】Avatara Coffee
【Producer】Hendra Maulizar
【Variety】Ateng Super, Typica, P88
【Processing】Sumatra method
【Tare】Grain Pro
- 品質宣言・スペシャルティコーヒーについて -
- 賞味期間について -
開封後、豆の状態で約30日。豆を挽いてからの状態で7〜10日を目安にしてください。 賞味期限は特に風味の点でヒロコーヒーが推奨する「美味しく楽しめる」期間のことです。 カビなどが発生しない限りはお飲みいただいても身体に害はありません。
- 保存方法について -
直射日光、高温多湿を避け、密封容器にいれて常温保存してください。 ※豆は香りを吸う特性があります。香りの強いものと一緒に保管するのは避けてください。
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